Advocating for
uniform start and end
dates for Texas schools helps
maximize the life lessons
and skills built through
summer camp and
summer experiences
"I am writing to express
my deepest gratitude to each
and every one of you for making his
summer so amazing. It’s one thing
to be happy, it’s a whole different and
more amazing thing to see your child
elated and excited every single
day expressing how he just can't
wait to get back to camp with
his friends"

"This was my 6 year
old's first ever camp experience
and he loved it...We learned that
he's really into horses. He was afraid
of putting his head under water, [until]
his guide played a game with him and
made it fun...I could see my child
having fun and he even made new
friends. He asked to go again,
which to me is the best